πŸ”Ό: [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions]] ###### Extrinsic (Worldly) Motivation Extrinsic goals come from our outside of us, our sense organs. Reviews, forums, articles, YouTube, family and friends, authority figures, all extrinsic β€” "[[πŸ’‘ Should Statements|shoulds]].” They are *extremely* difficult to be motivated toward and require substantial amounts of [[πŸ’‘ Willpower|willpower]], adding a great deal to our [[πŸ’‘ Cognitive Load|Cognitive Load]]. If we don’t get the worldly outcome, our [[πŸ’‘ Motivation|motivation]] plummets. Just because our current goal is extrinsically motivated doesn't mean we need to drop it. We just need to find a source of [[πŸ’‘ Intrinsic Motivation|Intrinsic Motivation]]; we can have the same goal from a different place and [[πŸ”‘ Our mindset has a significant impact on our outcomes]]. WORDLY goals don’t have a lot of intrinsic motivation - [[πŸ”‘ We need both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations]] [^1]: