## Window of Tolerance
The Window of Tolerance is an illustration of our ability to remain calm and present, consisting of our [[💡 Comfort Zone|Comfort Zone]] and our [[💡 Growth Zone|Growth Zone]]. [[🔑 Trauma shrinks our Window of Tolerance]], and staying within or getting back into it is [[🔑 Protectors are dedicated to maintaining their idea of safety, balance and homeostasis|🔑 one of our Protectors’ highest priorities]].
![[💡 Comfort Zone|Comfort Zone]]
![[💡 Growth Zone]]
We begin to leave our Window of Tolerance when stress becomes *distress* — as we experience [[💡 Emotional Dysregulation|Emotional Dysregulation]] and are pushed to the edge of our [[💡 Growth Zone|Growth Zone]] toward [[💡 Overwhelm|overwhelm]].
##### Doors into The Window of Tolerance
We can stay within or re-enter our Window of Tolerance in a few ways:
- Through [[⭐️ Self-Care]] and/or [[⭐️ Community Care]] after discerning and meeting our [[💡 Parts|Parts]]' needs, which can include [[💡 Unburdening|unburdenings]].
- Simply [[🕯️ Being With]] our [[💡 Parts|Parts]] and holding space for our [[⭐️ Emotions]] as those emotions are "*metabolized*" without interference or methodology — [[Feelings Are Temporary]].
- Through [[⭐️ Self-Regulation]] and/or [[⭐️ Co-Regulation]], which our [[💡 Reactive Protectors]] help us with when: a) we either don't know or cannot meet our [[💡 Parts|Parts]]' needs or attune to them, or b) when we become [[💡 Overwhelm|overwhelmed]] and lose access to [[Qualities of Presence ☀️]].
##### Expanding the Window of Tolerance
Expanding our Window of Tolerance is one of our primary goals in [[🦮 How to Recover from Trauma|🦮 Trauma Recovery]], but this is something anyone can do, whether they have significant [[💡 Trauma|Trauma]] or not:
1. Understand your unique Window of Tolerance, and what it looks and feels like to be in or out of it by learning about [[💡 Emotional Dysregulation|emotional dysregulation]].
2. Learn and practice [[⭐️ Self-Regulation]] tools and have them ready.
3. Increase distress tolerance ([[💡 Resilience|resilience]]) through [[🕯️ Pendulation]] and [[🕯️ Titration]] (a regular [[🕯️ Cold Shower]] can help as well), and [[⭐️ Rest and Restoration]].
4. Learn [[🦮 How to feel your feelings]]
5. [[🦮 How to Recover from Trauma]]