###### 🔑 Most therapy modalities are Protector trainings The overwhelming majority of therapy modalities in circulation today could be accurately categorized as "[[💡 Protector Parts|Protector]] Trainings." They equip protectors to help them keep [[💡 Exiles|exiles]] at bay without ever actually healing them. It works, but...it "works." It has value, [[🔑 we need Protectors]], but much of the therapeutic infrastructure we have in the west exists to get people functioning and back to work, suppressing surface-level [[Symptoms of Unresolved Trauma|symptoms]] rather than resolving underlying [[💡 Burdens 🪨|causes]]. We become [[💡 Proactive Protectors|Manager]]-led. For most therapists healing looks like avoiding falling into holes. For me it means there are no holes. [^1]: