πŸ”Ό: [[πŸ•―οΈ Journaling]], [[⭐️ Inner-Compass]], [[⭐️ Individuation]], [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions]] # πŸ› οΈ Navigation Journal The Navigation Journal helps us stay oriented to our [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions|Goals]] while focusing on our [[πŸ’‘ Process Mindset|Process]]. ##### The Practice ###### Phase 1 – Where am I now? What happened in the last 24 hours? Write about the day, particular notable moments that feel relevant or important in the context of our [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions|Goal]]. A [[πŸ’‘ Daily Review Backwards|Daily Review Backwards]] can be helpful. When it comes to how we handled those moments, what's something that went well (a success) and what's something that didn't go well (a failure), regardless of the final outcome? - How am I moving toward or away from my intention? - Have I embodied that virtue in my life recently? - Have I let external pressures dictate my actions too much? ###### Phase 2 – How did I get here? Take a step back and look at the larger life narrative and what that success and failure tell us about our place in it. Consider both the success and the failure, how did we come to be this way? [[πŸ”‘ Our minds are natural story-tellers]], what's the story behind these, where do they come from? Which [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] were active? Can you connect with them now? Are we happy with the way life is going? ###### Phase 3 – Where do I want to go? Consider where we want to go and [[πŸ”‘ Do the next right thing]]. What is it? - Do I have a [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions|Goal]]? - Do I have a way I want to be? A virtue (such as one of [[Stoicism#The Four Stoic Virtues|the four stoic virtues]]) or capacity? ##### See Also - [[πŸ›  Memory Bucket]] can also help us make sense of our lives as a whole. - [[πŸ›  Parts Log]] Lean into [[πŸ•―οΈ Parts Practices]] to meet with the [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] that arise during our pursuit of the [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions|Goal]]. Resistance to our goals tends to arise out of [[πŸ’‘ Burdens πŸͺ¨|Burdens]] and the [[πŸ’‘ Protector Parts|Protector Parts]] constellated around our [[πŸ’‘ Exiles|Exiles]]. Our [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] tend not to allow us to do things that they don't think will be successful, things they can't control, things that put us or other [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] at some kind of risk. If our [[πŸ’‘ Burdens πŸͺ¨|Burdens]] have us identify as a failure, we won’t act. The [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] who prevent us from pursuing aligned goals aren't trying to ruin our lives – [[πŸ”‘ protectors do not like their jobs, but are afraid to stop|πŸ”‘ they're doing it for a reason and don't want to be]]. By meeting with and helping the [[πŸ’‘ Parts|Parts]] who want support, we can either continue our pursuit of the goal or change the goal when we're able to recognize it wasn't what we really wanted. It's also possible for the goal itself to be set and chased by [[πŸ’‘ Protector Parts|Protector Parts]] and [[πŸ’‘ Exiles|Exiles]]. By meeting with them as they arise, our goals might become refined or change altogether. It's important to [[πŸ› οΈ Goals and Intentions#Contemplation|contemplate the goals themselves]]. After we do, it's possible we'll continue with the same goal but with a different [[Attunements|attunement]] to it. [^1]: [Jared Henderson | How to Journal for Self-Improvement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td_aie51rWQ)