🔼: [[💡 Emotional Regulation]]
#### ⭐️ Self-Regulation
Self-Regulation is [[💡 Emotional Regulation|Emotional Regulation]] without external help.
While [[💡 Presence|Presence]] can [[🔑 All Parts are welcome exactly as they are|🔑 welcome Parts exactly as they are]] without needing to change them, [[🔑 Protectors are dedicated to maintaining their idea of safety, balance and homeostasis|🔑 Protectors cannot sit with a feeling]]. When we Self-Regulate, [[💡 Reactive Protectors|Reactive Protectors]] soothe other [[💡 Parts|Parts]].
> [!NOTE]
> If we feel capable of holding our [[💡 Parts|Parts]] and the [[⭐️ Emotions]] they carry, it may be worth reading [[🦮 How to feel your feelings]] and/or [[⭐️ Self-Care]] instead.
###### Keys
- [[🔑 Regulation is often mistaken for Care]]
- [[🔑 Care, Maintenance, Regulation can overlap and synergize]]
- Though from a [[⭐️ Parts Work]] perspective, [[🔑 All Emotional Regulation is Co-Regulation]], so I often reframe it as "Internal [[⭐️ Co-Regulation]]."
- [[🔑 Emotional Regulation is not the end goal]]
- The more experience we have with [[⭐️ Co-Regulation]], the easier Self-Regulation becomes.
##### How to Do It
The [[🛠 Protector Toolkit]] can help our [[💡 Protector Parts|Protectors]] do this safely:
![[🛠 Protector Toolkit]]