🔼: [[🕯️ Breathwork 💨]] ##### 💨 Connected Breathing[^1] Normally when we breathe there is a pause between the inhale and exhale and another between the exhale and the inhale. Connected Breathing is simply [[💨 Belly Breath|💨 Belly Breathing]] without pausing so there is a continuous flow of breath at a natural pace. Like an [[💨 Elongated Exhalation]], this practice leverages the fact that our heart-rate naturally speeds up when we inhale and slows when we exhale. Connected Breathing slowly and gradually increases [[⭐️ Emotions|emotional]] charge because without the pause we're breathing a bit faster than we normally would, and because we're breathing into our belly – so our inhalation is slightly bigger than normal. We want to build emotional charge slowly so that we can easily stay within our [[💡 Window of Tolerance|Window of Tolerance]] through [[🕯️ Pendulation]] and [[🕯️ Titration]] if necessary, because [[🔑 Presence does not bypass Protectors|🔑 we don't want to bypass Protectors]]. > [!info] Variations > - Inhale and Exhale through the nose, low charge > - Inhale through the nose, Exhale through the mouth, medium charge > - Inhale and Exhale through the mouth, high charge With Connected Breathing, we want the exhale to be **effortless**. Keep a relaxed diaphragm, chest, throat, jaw, tongue, and mouth. Do not push the exhale out or control it – simply let it go. Exhaling with an audible sigh of relief similar to [[💨 The Physiological Sigh]] can remind us to stay relaxed on the exhale. If we effort on the exhale, we might to end up with [[💡 Tetany]]. If that does happen, simply return to normal breathing for a minute or two, or stop efforting on the exhale – it'll release on its own. > [!tip] Tips > - You don't need to take an extra big inhale, we're not trying to totally fill our lungs. Trust that your body knows how deep your inhalation needs to be. > - With practice you'll be able to maintain this breathing without paying much attention to it, shift back into [[Open Awareness]], and notice what [[⭐️ Emotions|feelings]] arise. Until then you might need to focus on your form for the first 2-3 minutes, then shift to [[Open Awareness]], and periodically check your form. ###### Parts and Breathwork Many of us have Parts that try to do breathwork exactly right by being in total control of the inhale and the exhale. At that point, there's too much control for there to be rest, release, or discharge and our breathing becomes [[🛡️ Emotional Armoring|Emotional Armoring]]. When you discover Parts that are trying to do this practice, connect with them immediately. Get to know them, acknowledge them and their good intentions and negotiate for space. If they don't feel safe to allow it, forgo breathwork and shift into [[⭐️ Parts Work]] with them as the [[💡 Focal Part]]. [^1]: [[🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏾 Aletheia]] Level 2 Session 2