πŸ”Ό: # Ocular Segment[^1] > β€œThe eyes are probably the most exciting place to work because this is where the sense of aliveness, soul, and being shine through.” > – Jack Rosenberg and Marjorie Rand in Body, Self, and Soul: Sustaining Integration (p. 123) The Ocular Segment includes two major muscle groups (the Outer Band and the Inner Band), the eyes, ears, nose (three of our senses), and the [[πŸ’‘ Brain|brain]]. Working on this segment can produce deep and wide-ranging holistic and integrative benefits. ##### Major Muscle Groups of the Ocular Segment ###### The Outer Band Essentially the top half of the head: - Top of the back side of the head (Occipitalis) - Sides of the head, above the ears (Temporalis) - Forehead (Occipitofrontalis, sometimes referred to as the Frontalis) - The Occipitalis in the back of the head and the Occipitofrontalis in the front of the head act as one functional unit. To release the front of the head, start by releasing the back of the head. ###### The Inner Band Surrounds the eyes and includes the muscles that direct the gaze: - Sphincter muscle surrounding the eyes (Orbicularis Oculi) - The bridge of the nose (Procerus) - Inner edge of the eyebrow (Depressor Supercilii and under that is the Corrugator Supercilii) - Muscle that lifts the eyelids (Levator Palpebrea Superioris) - Across the center of the nose (Transverse Nasalis) - Under the nose (Depressor Septi Nasi) - Muscle that dilates the nostrils (Dilator Naris) > [!info]- (Trigger Warning: Illustrations of the Musculoskeletal System) > ![1|350](https://i.imgur.com/VIKWYs6.jpg) > ![2|350](https://i.imgur.com/ak9FJz4.jpg) > ![3](https://i.imgur.com/ATzWdYF.jpg) #### [[πŸ›‘οΈ Emotional Armoring|Emotional Armoring]] in the Ocular Segment Every [[⭐️ Emotions|emotion]] can be expressed by the eyes. They offer a point of emotional contact, both for others and for ourselves. As we get older, our eyes become more expressive, but if we develop [[πŸ›‘οΈ Emotional Armoring]] , they become less expressive. It's how [[πŸ’‘ Protector Parts|Protectors]] stop us from crying. This both protects and fragments us, isolating us from other people and ourselves. It's a kind of somatic [[πŸ›‘οΈ Dissociation]]. If we can't feel our emotions, show them to others, or see them in a mirror, we're cut off from our [[⭐️ Emotions]], our [[⭐️ Body]], and our depths, including experiencing and knowing ourselves as [[πŸ’‘ Presence|Presence]]. This is one of the ways that [[πŸ”‘ Trauma disconnects us from our body]]. In this area [[πŸ›‘οΈ Emotional Armoring]] can lead to chronic [[πŸ’‘ Stress|stress]], [[πŸ’‘ Anxiety|Anxiety]], [[Headaches]], pressure and tension in our eyes, forehead, temples, cheeks, ears, and the back side of our head. It can affect our eyesight, hearing, and can even contribute to hair loss. It becomes difficult to [[πŸ’‘ Focus & Concentration|focus]] when we're stressed and can even produce tunnel vision. This could be a sign of [[πŸ”‘ Parts use our minds and bodies to get or distract our attention|πŸ”‘ Parts using our bodies to get or distract our attention]] or an example of [[πŸ”‘ Polarized parts can use the body as a battleground|πŸ”‘ polarized Parts using our body as a battleground]]. ##### Working with Ocular [[πŸ›‘οΈ Emotional Armoring|Emotional Armoring]] We release [[πŸ›‘οΈ Emotional Armoring|Emotional Armoring]] in the Ocular Segment starting from the outside in. 1. Get somewhere you feel safe, like a [[πŸ›  Recovery Space]] 2. Establish a [[πŸ›  Pendulation Anchor]] 3. Begin [[πŸ’¨ Connected Breathing]] 4. Work with the muscles in [[πŸ’‘ Ocular Segment#The Outer Band|the outer band]]. 5. Work with the muscles in [[πŸ’‘ Ocular Segment#The Inner Band|the inner band]]. 6. Work with the muscles that move and direct the eyes. ###### [[πŸ›  Self-Massage]] Techniques for the [[πŸ’‘ Ocular Segment]] Work back-to-front. Massage each section in circles and then find the "belly" or center of the muscle and apply firm pressure while you attempt to flex the muscle. **It should *not* hurt**. Outer band: - Massage Occipitalis to release Occipitofrontalis - Massage both sides of the head above the ears (temporalis) - Massage the Occipitofrontalis, located above the eyes on the forehead - Place right palm on forehead, left palm on the crown, and massage and hold as you breathe Inner band: - Press upward on the UB-1 acupressure point, located on each side of the bridge of the nose - Massage around the orbit of the eye (Orbicularis Oculi), eyebrows and under the eye - Press under the eyes on top of the cheek bones, starting on both sides of the nose and inching outward toward the temples - Cup hands over the eyes (don't press directly on your eyes) - Massage Occipitalis to reduce constriction ###### Movement and Release Techniques for the Ocular Segment Outer band: Exaggerated facial expressions, especially feeling emotions and expressing them - Opening the eyes wide during inhalation, feeling terrified, adding forehead and eyelids - Opening the eyes wide during exhalation, reaching outward with the eyes - Pinching eyelids together tightly - Looking side to side with the head always forward, looking suspicious - Rolling the eyes in wide circles with the head always forward. Notice any places that are skipped. Practice moving the eyes smoothly. - Wrinkling the forehead - Furrowing the eyebrows - Grimacing Inner Band: - Roll the eyes to the top of the head while opening them wide (without moving the head to look up) - Roll the eyes downward as far as they go (without moving the head to look down) - Roll the eyes to the left and the right (without moving the head to look side to side) - Roll the eyes, slowly, in both clockwise and counterclockwise circles (again, without moving the head) - Consciously opening and closing the eyes: 1) looking hard, eyes bugging out, 2) gently opening their eyes and allowing visual impressions to simply be received - Extend the pointer finger at arm’s length in front of the face. Then focus on the tip of the finger. Then re-focus the eyes at a distance far away, perhaps across a large room or even out a window to the horizon. Re-focus back and forth several times in this manner. > β€œWhere you look affects how you feel.” > – David Grand, creator of [[πŸ’‘ Brainspotting]] We might notice people gazing in particular direction to access how they are feeling, it's a way of deepening their connection with it. Where you look with your eyes enables you to access certain emotions and metabolize [[πŸ’‘ Trauma|traumatic]] experiences that remain lodged within your [[⭐️ Body|Body]] – this is the basis for [[πŸ’‘ Brainspotting]]. ![[πŸ›  Emotional Eye Access Exercise]] [^1]: [[πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸΎ Aletheia]] Level 2